This video of parents explaining “the birds and the bees” is HILARIOUS! When I tell you I laughed out loud, I LAUGHED. OUT. LOUD.

So, get a good laugh, then check out the age breakdown below on having your own conversation about sex with your child.

Having “The Talk”

Discussing sex with your child doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, especially if you start early. The key is to explain everything in an age-appropriate manner, answer questions and establish yourself as the go-to person for information.

Setting this baseline early will be extremely beneficial as your child gets older and has more opportunities for outside influences. Here is a guide for having the sex talk, and it’s broken down by age.

birdsandbeestalkwithkidsAge 2         Teach proper names for private body parts (penis, vagina) and explain that it is inappropriate to touch them in public.

Age 3-5     Answer questions. Reiterate private area conversations. Explain that no one should touch them there.

Age 6-9     Provide a basic, scientific explanation of sex.

Age 8-10    Explain puberty and body changes. Now is also a good time to explain family values and spiritual views.

Age 9-12     Answer questions and correct any misinformation your child may receive from peers and others. This is where setting a good baseline when they are young comes in handy. You may be surprised by the things kids are sharing on the playground, and you want your child to feel comfortable coming to you with these conversations. You want to be the voice of reason and knowledge, because being well-informed is one of the best gifts we can give our children.

Age 11-13     Discuss risks of having sex (STDs, not ready emotionally, pregnancy, spiritual views).

If you’d like more information, download our ebook, Things to Teach Your Daughter Before and During Her Tween Years.

I hope this helps!


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