Elementary Years

Tips for moms raising a daughter during the elementary school years. Advice for daughters age 5 – 10.

Soccer Mom Game Day Checklist

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My daughter’s first soccer game was at the local YMCA and lasted an hour. She was in elementary school and that was just enough time for the kids to play with minimal meltdowns. For those games I had a portable chair and water bottle. On cool mornings I added a jacket and cup of tea. […]

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A Great Book To Talk Puberty With Girls

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The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls is THE. PUBERTY. REFERENCE. BOOK. for my daughter. We’ve talked about puberty, body changes, menstruation and more, so she had a lot of information. However, she really loves that there’s a book she can go to whenever she feels like it. That allows […]

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